農曆新年假期安排:24/1 - 3/2 休假;4/2回復正常營業時間 (如有查詢,仍可whatsapp至98412600)

Purchase Notice

Payment Options

We accept multiple payment options, including cash, cheque, bank transfer, and PayMe.
Our typical payment terms are PIA (pay in advance) or COD (cash on delivery); If you require other payment terms, please contact us through email (support@taishinghong.com)

Delivery Methods

We offer both pick-up and delivery services to customers in Hong Kong or Macau. For customers in other regions, please feel free to contact us through email.
We will contact you as soon as possible after check-out to arrange for pick-up or delivery.

Refund and Replacements

Food safety are the #1 priority for us, so we typically don't accept request for refund or replacement. However, in situations where products have not been received or extremely significant quality issues have been discovered, we will offer refund and replacements.

Privacy Policy

Privacy is one of the basic human rights, hence we are committed to protect your personal privacy to ensure you can truly enjoy our products and service. If you have any questions/concerns about our privacy policy, please read the detailed policy below and contact us through email (support@taishinghong.com)

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